Hi everyone,
Welcome to my Blog on Communities of Practice Online. This blog was developed thanks to the Flexible Learning Leaders Project 2004. I hope you find the information on CoPos useful.
Kerry Trabinger :)
(Australian Flexible Learning Leader 2004)
Flexible and e-Learning Training Manager
Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management
Canberra Insitute of Technology
Welcome to my Blog on Communities of Practice Online. This blog was developed thanks to the Flexible Learning Leaders Project 2004. I hope you find the information on CoPos useful.
Kerry Trabinger :)
(Australian Flexible Learning Leader 2004)
Flexible and e-Learning Training Manager
Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management
Canberra Insitute of Technology
At 7:40 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Hello, how are you?
I ´liked very much your blog about CoP.Excuse my english :-(((.I learn about CoP in this moment ...and sure I will return to talk you about it.
Good bye from portugal(lisbon)
At 8:24 AM ,
Roberto Iza Valdés said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At 2:12 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Kerry Trabinger...Wow! While I was searching for info on horse photography I somehow found your page. Obviously I ended up a little off base, but I am certainly glad I stopped by for a read. While I am here, I just wanted to drop a quick note to comment your blog...now to move on and continue my search for horse photography. Should you ever need it, there's lots of information on this site about #KEYWORD##.
At 6:33 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Kerry Trabinger, I found your blog informative. While out blog surfing today for specific info on architectural photography, I ended up on your page. Your Welcome shows that I ended up a little off base, but I am certainly glad I stopped by. I will bookmark your site for a future visit, and should you ever need it, there is plenty of information on this site about architectural photography.
At 8:01 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Kerry Trabinger, I found your blog informative. While out blog surfing today for specific info on photography portfolio, I ended up on your page. Your Welcome shows that I ended up a little off base, but I am certainly glad I stopped by. I will bookmark your site for a future visit, and should you ever need it, there is plenty of information on this site about photography portfolio.
At 5:31 PM ,
Anonymous said...
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At 1:32 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Kerry Trabinger, I found your blog informative. While out blog surfing today for specific info on photography portfolio, I ended up on your page. Your Welcome shows that I ended up a little off base, but I am certainly glad I stopped by. I will bookmark your site for a future visit, and should you ever need it, there is plenty of information on this site about photography portfolio.
At 3:48 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi there Kerry Trabinger, a real useful blog. Can you believe it? When blog surfing for detailed info on architectural photography I ended up on your page. Obviously Welcome is not exactly what I was searching for, but your site caught my interest. Just wanted to drop a quick note to comment your blog...now to move on and continue my search for architectural photography. Should the need ever arise where you need information on architectural photography then drop by for a look.
At 12:00 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Kerry Trabinger...Wow! While I was searching for info on digital forum photography I somehow found your page. Obviously I ended up a little off base, but I am certainly glad I stopped by for a read. While I am here, I just wanted to drop a quick note to comment your blog...now to move on and continue my search for digital forum photography. Should you ever need it, there's lots of information on this site about digital forum photography.
At 1:41 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Kerry Trabinger, I found your blog informative. While out blog surfing today for specific info on course online photography, I ended up on your page. Your site shows that I ended up a little off base, but I am certainly glad I stopped by. I will bookmark your site for a future visit, and should you ever need it, there is plenty of information on this site about course online photography.
At 10:09 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi there Kerry Trabinger, a real useful blog. Can you believe it? When blog surfing for detailed info on digital forum photography I ended up on your page. Obviously your site is not exactly what I was searching for, but your site caught my interest. Just wanted to drop a quick note to comment your blog...now to move on and continue my search for digital forum photography. Should the need ever arise where you need information on digital forum photography then drop by for a look.
At 4:29 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Kerry Trabinger, your blog is excellent. As I was surfing around today looking for detailed info on photography portfolio I somehow ended up on your page. As your Welcome is not exactly related to my search, I am certainly glad I stopped by. Oh well, back to surfing and I am sure I will find what I am looking for, and should you ever need information about photography portfolio, then stop by for a look. Thanks for the post.
At 4:26 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Kerry Trabinger, I found your blog informative. While out blog surfing today for specific info on architectural photography, I ended up on your page. Your site shows that I ended up a little off base, but I am certainly glad I stopped by. I will bookmark your site for a future visit, and should you ever need it, there is plenty of information on this site about architectural photography.
At 4:25 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Kerry Trabinger...Wow! While I was searching for info on life photography still I somehow found your page. Obviously I ended up a little off base, but I am certainly glad I stopped by for a read. While I am here, I just wanted to drop a quick note to comment your blog...now to move on and continue my search for life photography still. Should you ever need it, there's lots of information on this site about life photography still.
At 11:32 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Great Blog you have here!
I'm definitely going to bookmark this one.
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At 3:20 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Kerry Trabinger, your blog is excellent. As I was surfing around today looking for detailed info on horse photography I somehow ended up on your page. As your Welcome is not exactly related to my search, I am certainly glad I stopped by. Oh well, back to surfing and I am sure I will find what I am looking for, and should you ever need information about horse photography, then stop by for a look. Thanks for the post.
At 7:42 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Kerry Trabinger, I was out blog surfing looking for some info on life photography still when I ended up on your page. Obviously I ended up a little off base, but your topic caught my eye. While I am here, I just wanted to drop a quick note to comment your blog...now to move on and continue my search for life photography still. I am going to
bookmark your site for future reference and reading. Should you ever need it, you can get specific information about life photography still at the site above.
At 11:32 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Kerry Trabinger, you have a nice blog. Glad to see it. Today I was out blog surfing looking for detailed info on digital photography review when I found your page. Your site describing Welcome is not an exact match but it did catch my interest. I am going to add you to my favorite list of blogs for future reading and reference. Should you ever need information on digital photography review then drop by the site above and check it out.
At 5:56 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Kerry Trabinger, I found your blog informative. While out blog surfing today for specific info on lighting photography, I ended up on your page. Your site shows that I ended up a little off base, but I am certainly glad I stopped by. I will bookmark your site for a future visit, and should you ever need it, there is plenty of information on this site about lighting photography.
At 1:48 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Kerry Trabinger, I was out blog surfing looking for some info on digital photography review when I ended up on your page. Obviously I ended up a little off base, but your topic caught my eye. While I am here, I just wanted to drop a quick note to comment your blog...now to move on and continue my search for digital photography review. I am going to
bookmark your site for future reference and reading. Should you ever need it, you can get specific information about digital photography review at the site above.
At 6:33 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Kerry Trabinger, I was out blog surfing looking for some info on photography portfolio when I ended up on your page. Obviously I ended up a little off base, but your topic caught my eye. While I am here, I just wanted to drop a quick note to comment your blog...now to move on and continue my search for photography portfolio. I am going to
bookmark your site for future reference and reading. Should you ever need it, you can get specific information about photography portfolio at the site above.
At 1:28 AM ,
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At 11:19 AM ,
Unknown said...
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